Urban Literacy Zone Instructors

Johnny Wilson   215-768-8470 Anthony W. Luker 267-592-1387 urbansportszone@aol.com

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 Mr. Robert H. Harris

 Urban Literacy Zone Director of Education      

         Mr. Harris has served in the area of education since 1995.  He attended Cheyney University and Temple University where he earned his Bachelors in Education, Special Education and Masters of Science in Special Education. He holds an additional certificate with a concentration in educational diagnosis. Mr. Harris is an active member of the Council for Exceptional Children, A member of Kappa Delta Pi (An International Education Honor Society), has been inducted in Who’s Who Among College Students, and he was nominated as outstanding teacher by the state of Pennsylvania in 2010. Finally, Mr. Harris was awarded the honor as the Teacher of the year by the state of Pennsylvania in 2012.  Mr. Harris is currently working in the field of education within the Philadelphia School District where he has educated children for over 18 years.  He has worked as a member of the School District Special Education Liaisons for Network 5.  He has developed numerous intervention, behavioral and differentiated instruction models during his tenure at the school district.    Mr. Harris enjoys working with students and has coordinated athletic programs within schools, which include football, baseball, basketball, soccer and track. He has been advisor for student council, newsletter teams, and has served as yearbook advisor. During the summer he serves over seas participating in educational programs within third world countries.   Mr. Harris joined the Urban Sports Zone in 2012 while the Literacy component was in its developmental stages.  In 2013, Mr. Harris was appointed director of education for the Urban Literacy Zone. His vision is to see everyone afforded the opportunity to become productive members of society. This can only be achieved with a strong educational foundation. Everyone should have the opportunity to learn and advance. Through dedication and a passion for teaching Mr. Harris has devoted his life to educating children and adults both locally and throughout the world.